for Lean Six Sigma Healthcare BLOG posts

The Real Meaning of Lean Six Sigma

The true test of any improvement methodology or change effort [...]

By |2014-10-29T07:54:00-06:00October 21, 2014|Decisions and Change, Lean Six Sigma Healthcare, LSH Thoughtware, People Skills for Lean Six Sigma, Value|Comments Off on The Real Meaning of Lean Six Sigma

Gemba Walks are good business… help your organization improve!

Gemba Walking helps you move performance to the next [...]

By |2014-10-12T09:19:48-06:00June 18, 2014|Lean Six Sigma Healthcare, LSH Thoughtware, People Skills for Lean Six Sigma, show all|Comments Off on Gemba Walks are good business… help your organization improve!
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