PME - PCMH Made Easy -- hands holding a house with a family insidePME – PCMH Made Easy has joined forces with SigmaMed Solutions to provide filing and process support for clinics and large practices seeking Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition from NCQA. You may have seen PME at, or tweets from @PCMHmadeEasy or at PME’s YouTube Channel.

Why merge with SigmaMed Solutions?

SigmaMed Solutions’s approach is a good match for patient access issues that arise in PCMH Standard 1 and quality improvement projects in Standard 6. Indeed, their approach is beneficial in all areas of PCMH.

Best of all, SigmaMed Solutions believes in tweaking your clinic or practice rather than starting with a total transformation. Tweaking, as you’ll learn in the next post here, is the best predictor of success in achieving PCMH recognition.

Here you’ll find articles on recognition filing tips, the nuts and bolts of PCMH, financial aspects and PCMH-related news.  We’ll cover topics such as where to start, creating population and care management lists, risk stratified care management, building processes, and deadlines.

While our articles provide insights and guidance, your best help will come from working with us to make your filing for PCMH recognition fast and easy. Bottom line, with NCQA recognition comes higher reimbursements, more efficient operations, improved revenue cycle and happier patients. Why wait?

We’re looking forward to working with you here at SigmaMed Solutions!