SMART Small Hospital Transformation

Realize rapid returns based on increased engagement, higher quality, improved patient and staff satisfaction. Achieve the ultimate goal of better health outcomes.

A SigmaMed SMART Small Hospital Transformation (SMART SHOT) is the best investment you can make right now to ensure the sustainability of your facility.  No other hospital change program delivers the same combination of rapid returns, engagement, quality, patient and staff satisfaction, and better health outcomes.  This really isn’t hype.

The SMART SHOT focuses on quickly delivering specific, meaningful results, rather than training first and hoping for results later.  By starting with successful projects with tangible impact on patient care or revenue, and in the process mentoring staff to predictably deliver high-value results, a cascade of belief ensues that engages the hearts and minds of the entire facility and accrues to the bottom line.

To minimize risk, you can begin with one low cost Rapid Improvement Training project in a high priority area and if you like the approach continue into the full SMART SHOT.   As word of initial success spreads, staff become excited by the hope for positive change, proud of where they work, and willingly devote the extra effort needed for continuous improvement.  Your mission becomes their mission and then anything is possible.

Here’s What’s Involved

  • Four mentored Lean Six Sigma Rapid Improvement Training projects to quickly deliver high-value results and internal capacity
  • Internal capacity to manage projects and spread a culture of continuous improvement
    • Four team leaders mentored and certified as LSS Green Belt Project Leaders
      • Potential for certification provides strong incentive to put in the extra effort necessary for outstanding results
      • Opportunity for development bolsters pride and connection to your organization
    • Quality Director or another resource mentored and certified as a Black Belt Transformation Leader
      • This resource will co-lead and facilitate each of the projects so they gain a deeper understanding of what’s needed for project success
      • Quickly provides you with an experienced improvement leader to drive high-value project results
    • Leadership team mentored as project Champions to lead departmental and organizational transformation efforts
    • Lean overview training provided to all interested personnel in your facility
  • Development of departmental leaders who know how to engage staff in a structured process of continuous improvement
    • Deployment of SMART Huddle Board in 4 departments provides nucleus for a culture of continuous improvement
    • SHBs bring improvement to the forefront of departmental operations and engage all staff in the process
  • Assistance in deploying the program throughout your facility
    • Should your Leaders or Black Belts require advice, our Master Black Belts are but a call away
    • This provides the same hierarchy of experience all large organizations employ, without the additional costs
    • Our aim is to make you self sufficient, so all work we do is focused on making you independent, rather than dependent on us!

Price and Value

The price of a SMART Hospital Transformation is $24,000 plus expenses for 2 on-site visits to your facility (not to exceed $1,000 per visit).  Our guarantee is that your projects will return 100% of your investment by the time you complete your 4th and final project.

The $24,000 project price threshold is a no-brainer to return in 1 of our improvement projects, let alone 4, and your return will certainly be far in excess of your price.  We know you want far more than mere returns — we are guessing you want a complete transformation — and this package was designed to put you in position to do just that.

You will get all your money back and if you are going to take a shot at transformation you might as well take a SMART SHOT!

Getting Started

The first step is to schedule a free one hour online overview and project prioritization exercise for your leadership team.  Your team will learn key Lean management concepts and we will help you develop a value-based roadmap for the future.

After the presentation you can start with one Rapid Improvement Training project to get a feel for the format, or jump in on a complete SMART SHOT transformation.  This single RIT project will give you a complete ROI before it’s done.  We do it this way so there is nothing for you to lose.  That is the true definition of Lean!

To discuss or learn more please contact company CEO Jamie Martin. See below.

Here’s Why This Works

By now, hospital staff have seen many projects and change programs with big promises that ended up adding work without reducing effort.  Your staff is already overloaded and this extra work adds complexity, results in more mistakes, and is a near certain path to failure, wasted time and money, and a missed opportunity for building belief.

The SMART SHOT knocks out your staff’s biggest time wasters first and puts in place sustainable processes that quickly make things better for patients and staff.  All of a sudden your staff see a tangible change for the better and gradually more and more personnel want to get involved.  With internal belief, buy-in and staff engagement come naturally and momentum builds that motivates staff to continue making things better and better, change by change.

The rapid return on your investment fuels continuing efforts and builds support from your CFO and Board.  You can choose where to start based on your need for new revenue, patient satisfaction, productivity, access, operational efficiency, or enhanced care services.  We usually recommend starting with tangible financial returns so you can get a quick win, increase investment in other value added care services, and thereby enhance your competitiveness.