Inexperienced managers need new skills.  You can teach them!

Inexperienced managers need new skills. You can teach them!

How can CEOs and senior managers lead effectively when inexperienced managers are less effective than desired?  Give them skills!

An organization can only be as good as its managers.  Senior leaders have one hand tied behind their back when new managers have not been trained in a few key skills.

The key new skills that will free senior leaders by making managers more effective are:

  • Teaching them how to make fact-based decisions is critical to patient and staff satisfaction.
  • Teaching new managers how to identify and address underperformance is critical to attain optimal performance.
  • Teaching new managers how to collect and present actionable information to senior managers is critical to the organization’s success.

So, what is an effective way to teach new managers these skills?

Teach them the right Lean Six Sigma tools!  (In case you were wondering, you don’t have to be a “lean organization” to use the tools – you can pick the pieces that work for your new managers.)

Our healthcare specific version of Lean Six Sigma is Lean Sigma Healthcare (LSH).

  •  LSH teaches how to make fact based decisions by identifying: what the patient wants, root cause, critical factors for specific processes, waste, variation, and pertinent data.
  • LSH establishes an optimal performance work standard we call OTIFNE (On Time, In Full, No Errors) and it identifies the critical factors necessary to perform at the OTIFNE level.
  • LSH methodology provides for a common language at all levels of management.  Because LSH has managers and senior leaders speaking the same language, actionable information becomes the norm.