Lean Six Sigma has been so effective in business that it’s hard to find a successful company that doesn’t employ it in some form.  Healthcare is starting to move in this direction, but many executives hesitate due to examples of wasteful and ineffective hospital deployment efforts that take them in exactly the opposite direction.

Our mission is to show you a way to integrate LSS processes and thinking into your facility that is not only cost-effective, but which will quickly improve your bottom line and possibly initiate a transformation of your culture into one of Lean Six Sigma excellence.   The goal of a complete transformation is a good one, but when you focus on solving important problems and making money you always come out ahead, even if you are unable to reach the goal of a transformation in a timeframe that satisfies the Board.

All our consultants have been involved in healthcare for many years and have the experience to quickly show you what works and what doesn’t.  This way you don’t waste time on cycles of learning that delay the attainment of significant project results and only serve to fatten consultant’s bank accounts.  All high-performing organizations utilizing Lean Six Sigma employ costly Black Belts and Master Black Belts to run their PI programs in order to side step the learning curve and ensure all Lean Six Sigma activities are successful and high-return.

The inspiration of our company is to help you realize those same benefits at a price you can afford and in a manner that enables you to thrive and continue serving your patient population with the best healthcare value in the world.